Fiber Arts

Perhaps the first art I learned was fiber arts. I was surrounded by women, grandmothers, my mother, and my mother’s friends who all did handwork of some kind. My early memories of picnics, and get-togethers, and even meetings, involved women with needle and thread, knitting needles, or crochet hooks. I loved it.

Around 5th grade, I began taking summer classes at the sewing machine store in town. In 6th grade, our teacher prompted us to write about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote I wanted to teach sewing and own a sewing machine store.

My love of fiber only grew from then.

Sewing, traditional and modern, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, traditional and modern; spinning with a drop spindle, upcycling and mending, wearable fiber art, and so much more.


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